Rundeck with Zabbix

Zabbix_Rundeck - CPU-Utilization

In this project, we are going to monitor the CPU Process in Linux and windows machines Using Zabbix and Zabbix to trigger the Rundeck to check the CPU process and restart the service, in case unwanted service is running on Zabbix-agent. This issue creates a Jira ticket and adds a custom field to mention the issue type through a script.

1. Zabbix:

1.Add Host in Zabbix server like this,

For Linux:

For Windows:

3.Create an Action for CPU-Utilization and add the condition.

Script Location: /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscript/

Command: hostname={HOST.NAME} eventid={EVENT.ID} bash /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscript/

1.Create a Project for CPU-Utilization:(Linux & Windows)

2 .  Linux Script                                                         

[email protected]@

TOPPROCESS=$(top -b -n 1 | sed 1,6d | sed -n 2p)

TOPPID=$(echo "$TOPPROCESS" | awk '{print $1}')

TOPNAME=$(echo "$TOPPROCESS" | awk '{print $12}')

echo "$nodeostype"


echo "$TOPPID"

echo "$TOPNAME"

if [ "$nodeostype" == "centos" ]; then

  echo "This is linux machine"

  if [ "$TOPNAME" = "sshd" ]


        systemctl status sshd


        echo "$var"

        #sleep 10

        echo "this is $TOPNAME"

  elif [ "$TOPNAME" = "httpd" ]


        systemctl restart httpd.service


        echo "$var"

        echo "this is $TOPNAME"

  elif [ "$TOPNAME" = "java" ]


        #kill -9 $TOPPID


        echo "$var"

        echo "this is $TOPNAME"

  elif [ "$TOPNAME" = "mysqld" ]


        systemctl restart mariadb


        echo "$var"

        echo "this is $TOPNAME"

sleep 10

  elif [ "$TOPNAME" = "python" ]


        #kill -9 $TOPPID


        echo "$var"

        echo "this is $TOPNAME"

  elif [ "$TOPNAME" = "zabbix_agentd" ]


        systemctl restart zabbix-agent


        echo "$var"

        echo "this is $TOPNAME"

sleep 10


     echo "not for this"


      echo "$var"

      echo "this is $TOPNAME"

#    java -jar /var/lib/rundeck/atlassian-cli-9.2.0/lib/acli-9.2.0.jar --server --user "aiops" --password "zippyops" --action createIssue --project "CPU" --type "Task" --summary "task2"



echo "var=$var"

3 .  Windows Script                                                        











echo "$nodehostname"

echo "$servername"

echo "$filename"

echo "$path"

echo "$directory"

echo "$find"

echo "$source"

echo "$dest"

if("$nodehostname" -eq "$servername"){

 if  (Test-Path -path $source)


    echo "$source already exists"




    echo "$source not found"

    md $source

    echo "successfully $source was created"


 if  (Test-Path -path $find)


 if  (Test-Path -path $find)


    Copy-Item -Path "$find" -Destination "$source/$filename" -Force

    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -File $filename

    Add-Type -assembly ''

    foreach ($file in $files) {

    $folder = $file.directoryname | Split-Path -Leaf

    If (!(Test-Path $dest${New-Item $dest$ -ItemType file}

    $zip = [io.compression.zipfile]::Open("$dest$",'Update')



    Remove-Item -path "$path1/$directory" -Force -Recurse

    echo "Archived is success"

    echo "This is your Archived File $dest/$directory"


    echo "var1=$var1"



    echo "$filename not found"


    echo "var1=$var1"


  echo " This is Windows machine"


    echo "var2=$var2"


  echo "Excution is not for this machine"



echo "var2=$var2"

echo "var1=$var1"

  1. Mail script

For Linux:







[email protected]


if [ $servername == centosnode ]; then

  if [[ $var == 0 || $var == True ]]; then

    if [ $status == Approved ]; then

      if [ -d "${path}" ]; then

        if [ -f "$file" ]; then

          echo "This is your Archived File messages is success" | mail -s "Centos node Log Archival is done" $mail


          echo "$file not found" | mail -s "Centos node Log File Not Found" $mail



            echo "$path is not found" | mail -s "Centos node Log filepath is Not Found" $mail



      if [ $status == Rejected ]; then

        echo "The issue $issue was rejected" | mail -s "Centos node issuse was Rejected" $mail



  elif [[ $var == 1 || $var == False ]]; then

     echo "Not found in the specfied server $servername"


     echo "Execution is not for Centos machine"


elif [ $servername == ubuntunode ]; then

  if [[ $var == 0 || $var == True ]]; then

    if [ $status == Approved ]; then

      if [ -d "${path}" ]; then

        if [ -f "$file" ]; then

          echo "This is your Archived File messages is success" | mail -s "Ubuntu node Log Archival is done" $mail


          echo "$file not found" | mail -s "Ubuntu node Log File Not Found" $mail



            echo "$path is not found" | mail -s "Ubuntu node Log filepath is Not Found" $mail



      if [ $status == Rejected ]; then

        echo "The issue $issue was rejected" | mail -s "Ubuntu node issuse was Rejected" $mail



  elif [[ $var == 1 || $var == False ]]; then

     echo "Not found in the specfied server $servername"


     echo "Execution is not for Ubuntu machine"



For Windows:







[email protected]

if [ $servername == windowsnode ]; then

  if [ $var2 == True ]; then

    if [ $status == Approved ]; then

      if [ $var1 == True ]; then

        echo "This is your Archived File messages is success" | mail -s "Windows node log Archival process done" $mail


        echo "your $filename not found" | mail -s "Windows node Log Archival Not done" $mail



      if [ $status == Rejected ]; then

        echo "The issue $issue was rejected" | mail -s "Windows Log archival was Rejected" $mail




    echo "Not found in the specfied server $servername"  | mail -s "Windows Log archival not done" $mail



  echo "Execution is not for Windows machine"  | mail -s "Windows Log archival Not Done" $mail


5.Integration script


echo "$hostname"

echo "$eventid"

if [ "$hostname" == "centos_node" ]; then

  curl \

  -D - \

  -X "POST" -H "Accept: application/json" \

  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

  -H "X-Rundeck-Auth-Token: BRaq7hklM9OxbHL5geLS8hG6AkJASbed" \

  -d "{\"argString\":\"-arg1 $hostname -arg2 $eventid \"}" \


  echo "this is Centos machine"

elif [ "$hostname" == "ubuntu_node" ]; then

  curl \

  -D - \

  -X "POST" -H "Accept: application/json" \

  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

  -H "X-Rundeck-Auth-Token: BRaq7hklM9OxbHL5geLS8hG6AkJASbed" \

  -d "{\"argString\":\"-arg1 $hostname -arg2 $eventid \"}" \


  echo "this is Ubuntu machine"

elif [ "$hostname" == "windows_node" ]; then

  curl \

  -D - \

  -X "POST" -H "Accept: application/json" \

  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

  -H "X-Rundeck-Auth-Token: BRaq7hklM9OxbHL5geLS8hG6AkJASbed" \

  -d "{\"argString\":\"-arg1 $hostname -arg2 $eventid \"}" \


  echo "this is Windows machine"


Relevant Blogs:

Rundeck with Nagios Rundeck - Adding nodes 

Zabbix Installation and configuration 

What is AWS Detective and How it Works?

Docker build in pipeline  

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